Deserted on an island with one gadget: which one?
I would be happy with my E90. It's got all that I need, great multimedia, fantastic sound quality, email connectivity, et al.
What is the perfect gadget to beat long-flight fatigue?
I'm a music person so my iPod is the best thing to carry on a flight. I'm a bit old-fashioned when it comes to it, and I'm still using the iPod U2 Limited Edition. The music on it helps me both concentrate and relax, whether it's old Hindi songs or semi-classical to classical music.
What features of a cellphone impress you the most?
I look for a converge device, which makes it capable of working across categories. That is ultimately the feature that can help a device beat its competitors, though music and connectivity. I like to have as many devices as possible but I keep my faith in one, like my E90.
What gizmo that you got as a gift is now among your favourites?
My iPod was gifted to me on my birthday by somebody from the family and that's why it's very special. I wouldn't trade it for a newer one.
Is there a gadget that's bound to beat its competitors when it hits the market?
The iPhone will surely shake up the Indian market. It's a fantastic device. Apart from the "aha!" effect, even as a phone, it is in a class by itself.
How important is the way a gadget looks, as opposed to its features?
On a personal level, I'm a feature person. The performance has to be spectacular. I would be happy if it combines both looks and features, and fortunately in today's time that's not hard to come by.
Do you use any gadgets as a stress-buster?
I'm a gaming person. If after a late meeting I need to let off some steam, I head straight for my Xbox.
What's your most high-performance yet easy-to-handle gadget?
The E90, because of the fact that whichever type of user you might be, it's easy to use. Especially because it has a Qwerty keypad which makes you feel as if you're using a laptop. The 3.2 megapixel camera stands out as well.
Have you found a gizmo so confusing that you'll never use it?
I'm a techie so I usually don't run into gadgets that I find confusing. But it took me some time to get used to my palmtop.
Name a gizmo that you lost and still feel bad about losing.
It was a special type of dictaphone from Samsung that I used to use for meetings. It could record over 20 hours of conversation. I left it in a hotel boardroom one day and realised only when I was on the flight.