DQ Entertainment (DQE), a Hyderabad-based animation, gaming and entertainment company, has forged an agreement with French animation houses M6 Studio, Method Animation and Luxanimation for co-production of a TV series based on the iconic French cartoon character – Le petit Nicolas (Little Nick). Little Nick is an illustration of an ideal childhood and a nostalgic memory of the 1950s.
Little Nick, created by René Goscinny, a French author, editor and humorist best known for the comic book Astérix, and illustrated by cartoonist Jean-Jacques Sempé, was first published in 1959. Since then, this iconic French cartoon has sold over 10 million copies in 30 countries.
“The year 2009 will mark the 50th anniversary of Little Nick and we feel honoured to be involved in this animated project and celebrating the legacy of this iconic cartoon,” Tapaas Chakravarti, chairman and chief executive of DQ Entertainment, stated in a press release on Monday.
M6 Studio, an animation production subsidiary of M6, the second largest private French broadcaster, will pump in a majority of the funds for the production, while DQE, Method Animation and Luxanimation will be exclusively executing the animation production of this tripartite animated series. The TV series will be telecast on M6’s channel.