Mobile phones have reached the masses in Himachal Pradesh. According to the latest count, every sixth person here owns a mobile phone. |
With a population of 6,200,000, the number of mobiles here are 11,21431, say government sources. |
The boom in mobile users is seen particularly in the mountainous and rugged terrain of the state where other forms of communication and means of transportation are scarce and expensive. |
Mobile towers can be seen fast emerging atop ridges and hill tops. |
According to the latest figures, until October this year, Bharti Airtel leads the pack with 468,667 customers. Airtel was the first to enter the hill state's mobile market a decade ago. |
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL), which joined the race some five years later, has a customer base of 309,821. Reliance Telecom has 108,915 customers, while Tata has 64,386, followed closely by Reliance Infocomm with 63,841 customers. |
However, now both the firms come under Anil Ambani's Reliance Communications. |
The Aditya Birla group's Idea was the last to enter the state some months ago and has picked up 5,801 customers. |
Sources say majority of the mobile phones (993,204) are operating on the GSM network technology and the remaining 128,227 are using the CDM technology. |
With more and more players targeting the huge rural market of the hill state, there was a growing trend last year to surrender wired BSNL landline phones, which often remain out of order for long periods due to poor service by the state-run company. |