Investors might still be uncertain about the future about Facebook, but bloggers from India believe that its popularity would stay on for the next five years.
Most of the views for their blogs are received via micro-blogging sites like Facebook, followed by Twitter and Google Plus. This is according to a survey by Blogathon India and 20:20 MSL.
“Bloggers are also using Pinterest more than Linkedin, hinting that visual information and visual networking appeals more,” the survey said. While tech-bloggers use social platforms for communications, non-tech bloggers prefer e-mail.
And what is the most talked about topic on blogosphere? The CSR campaign are the most popular amongst recalled digital campaigns. Top on the charts was the campaign by social activist, Anna Hazare's fight against corruption. Pepsi and Aircel Save Our Tigers campaign, came in next.
The brand which engages with bloggers the most is IT hardware company Dell, which is hugely into direct marketing. Rival phone/tablet makers Samsung and Apple take up the second and third spots, in branding to their users.
Bloggers however are more loyal to Apple brands. Their most desired gadget includes iPad, followed by iPhone and Macbook. A Canon DSLR is the top non-Apple dream gadget for non-technology bloggers.