Flipkart on Tuesday launched a streaming stick under its private brand 'MarQ by Flipkart, foraying into a segment that is rapidly gaining traction with Indian consumers, starting at Rs 3,499.
"With the Android operating system being so popular in the country, the user interface of our streaming device will be familiar and will help customers adapt to the new technology quickly," Adarsh Menon, Senior Vice President - Private Brands, Electronics and Furniture, Flipkart, said in a statement.
"Through this latest offering, we are once again bringing to the Indian market a product of unmatched quality, crafted to meet the needs of our consumers," he added.
The 'MarQ TurboStream' device is equipped with the latest Android 9.0 OS and sports Dolby Digital Audio and a voice-controlled remote with Google Assistant.
The device comes with Full HD resolution of 1920*1080 at 60 frames per second; 1 GB DDR3 RAM, 8GB ROM and streaming support for 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz WiFi.
With built-in Chromecast, it allows users to cast their mobile phone screens onto the TV and supports all apps available on the Google Play Store.