While it may not be able to replicate the quantum leap in IT exports that Gujarat saw in financial year 2008-09, the state is still expecting a 15-20 per cent rise in numbers for the financial year end 2009-10. According to Ravi Saxena, principal secretary, Department, of Science and Technology (DST), Government of Gujarat (GoG), As against Rs 1,238 crore in FY '09, by the end of FY '10, Gujarat is expected to register IT exports worth Rs 1,500 crore.
"We have had a 65 per cent jump in IT exports in Gujarat last year where we saw the numbers rising from Rs 750 crore in FY '08 to Rs 1,238 crore in FY '09. While such a huge jump may not be replicated, we will see decent growth to touch at least Rs 1,500 crore by end of FY '10," said Saxena, on the sidelines of 'Indo-ASEAN IT Business Meet' that was jointly sponsored by Gujarat Informatics Limited (GIL), and DST.
"The state has a robust IT infrastructure, space applications centre, developed telecommunication facilities and state-of-the-art security policy. There are 17 IT SEZs in various stages of development in Gujarat," added Saxena.