HCL Infosystems Ltd, India’s premier hardware, services and ICT System Integration Company, today announced awarding of the Rs 100-crore Re-structured Accelerated Power Development and Reform Programmme (RAPDRP) order from the Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board (HPSEB) to the company.
The project will entail deployment of a state-wide solution to establish the baseline data and IT applications for energy accounting/auditing and IT based consumer service centers in 14 towns, comprising of 30 sub division offices and 293 other offices.
HCL Infosystems would set up a Disaster Recovery Centre, and also modernise the existing Data Centre along with creating a Wide Area Network. Apart from the implementation of the real time automated meter reading system.
This project will further help HPSEB in rapid and accurate decision making towards power procurement, while understanding the gaps in day to day operations.