IBM Global Services has bagged a Rs 56 crore contract from IDBI to consolidate the latter's IT infrastructure, including building and providing service support for a state-of-the-art data centre and disaster recovery site.The data centre would be spread over a 12,000 square feet area in Melapur, Navi Mumbai and house IDBI's entire IT infrastructure running all critical applications and storing records while the disaster recovery site designed to restore systems in less than 24 hours would be located at chennai, IBM said in a statement today.The new advanced infrastructure for IDBI would provide foundation for one of the most efficient recovery solutions in the financial services industry, which would help it become more agile, resilient and support its strategic imperatives in the marketplace, the release said.As per the contract, IBM Global Services would source and implement the entire it infrastructure and non-IT infrastructure and also support it for a period of five years.