Eight directors of Infosys Technologies have pocketed Rs 862 crore by offering 3.60 million shares as part of the company's third sponsored American depositary shares issue. |
Narayana Murthy, co-founder and executive chairman, garnered Rs 108 crore by selling 4.50 lakh shares. |
Nandan M Nilekani (CEO and managing director) got Rs 283 crore by offering 11.81 lakh shares from his holding of 95.27 lakh shares. S Gopalkrishnan (COO, president and joint managing director) took home Rs 212 crore by selling 8.86 lakh shares from his holding of 71.43 lakh shares. |
K Dinesh (Director) raked in Rs 156 crore by selling of Rs 6.51 lakh shares, S D Shibulal (Director) received Rs 84 crore on sale of 3.49 lakh shares, Srinath Batni (Director) got Rs 6 crore on sale of 25,000 shares, T V Mohandas Pai (Director) sold 54,757 shares worth Rs 13 crore and V Balakrishnan (CFO) received Rs 44 lakh for his offering of 1,854 shares. |
The ADS represents 30 million equity shares and was priced at $53.50 per share. The aggregate size exceeds $1.6 billion. |