Rajeev Chandrasekhar's Jupiter Strategic Technologies is in an expansion mode. Having already got an investment of Rs 50 crore and employing around 100 engineers, it is expected to increase its manpower strength to 250 by 2007 and 500 by 2008. |
The company is focused on designing and providing technology systems and solutions for sectors like defence and homeland security. |
It is targeting these sectors, post the decision by the Indian government to enable private participation in the defence and strategic sector. Confirming these developments, Rajeev Chandrasekhar said these were "businesses of the future and Jupiter Capital is committed to this sector". |
For the past 10 months, the company has been developing solutions and customising products for various customer needs with strategic alliances from global companies such as Tadiran, Thales, EADS besides Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI). |
Jupiter Strategic has already tied-up with Tadiran for encryption solutions, IAI for RFID-based solutions, Thales for air traffic solutions, simulators and EADS for battlefield command and control systems. |
Besides this technology firm, Jupiter Capital also manages Tayana Software, which focuses on the telecom value-added-service market. |
It is likely that the venture of Chandrasekhar will rope in a strategic partner in the near future for expanding," opine industry sources. |