Chinese smartphone and electric goods maker Xiaomi recently launched the Mi Dual Driver in-ear earphones priced at Rs 799. These are a set of basic earphones that bring dual sound drivers at an affordable price tag. The earphones have a metal finish on the buds that give it a clean look. The wire is made of silicone, with its bottom half covered in braided fabric and the other half exposed. The wire that connects the right earbuds has key controllers and microphone. The earbuds have magnetic backs to keep them together when hanging.
The Mi Dual Driver earphones are tuned for a bass-heavy output, and considering the price, they have a fair performance.
These earphones have dual sound drivers -- a dedicated unit for bass and treble. These produce satisfactory acoustics with punchy sound. However, the bass spills over too much to cover the lower range supressing the vocals and trebles at higher volume levels.
The in-ear design, paired with loud audio output, makes it a good pick for someone looking for affordable earphones to use on the go. The earphones might not be the best with regard to vocals and bass, but their bright treble and loud audio output make them ideal for use in loud outdoors to isolate one from the noise. Moreover, the earphones may sound shrill at high volumes, but if you set the volume right, you can enjoy various genres of music.
People usually gauge the performance of earphones based on how their bass response. If you do that, you might find the Mi Dual Driver earphones a good buy at Rs 799 .
The downsides are only for those who pay too much attention to sound.
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