Microsoft today announced its entry into the next generation video gaming and entertainment system by showcasing Xbox 360 to be launched later this year."Xbox 360 will be available for consumers before the Diwali season. However, the pre-order of the product will start in June," Mitch Koch, corporate vice president (global retail sales and marketing group) of Microsoft entertainment and devices division, said today.The company would set up 1,200 retail centres across seven cities, including the four metros, he added."The Xbox would have 20 titles at the launch and 7-10 titles would be added to it every month," Mohit Khanna, country manager of Microsoft entertainment and devices division, said.Microsoft has tied-up with Adidas for its pre-order promotion, which would provide the users the Xbox 360 core system with a 10% discount at Rs 19,990.It has also extended its global partnership with MTV and Samsung to India for the launch, Khanna added.