Watching cricket match live on the web will be easily possible now. Neo Sports, a sports channel, today announced the launch of video-on-demand and Live streaming service on The service will be available with the India-Australia 7ODI series that will start in a few days. Users can avail of this service by subscribing to packages of their choice. Users need pay Rs 5 on a per event basis, and highlights of every half-an-hour will be available for Rs 30, a day pass will cost Rs 50 and a series pass (7ODI and 1 Twenty20) will be available for Rs 150. Consumers can also avail of all access services live streaming for Rs 100 per match.Neo Sports will beam its coverage in English while Neo Sports Plus will offer its viewer multiple language feeds in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.Shashi Kalathali, CEO Neo Sports Broadcast said: "The core target for this product is the office-going audience, who usually misses out on all the high profile cricket action while they are in the office."