BSNL and MTNL have to recover a massive Rs 4,469 crore of totaloutstanding dues from states, centre, defence establishments and private subscribers, the Rajya Sabha was informed today.BSNL has total outstanding dues of Rs 3245.63 crore and MTNL has total outstanding of Rs 1223.82 crore, minister of state for communications and it Shakeel Ahmad told the upper house in a written reply.The outstandings are mainly from private subscribers who owe Rs 3074.87 crore to BSNL and Rs 1200.96 crore to MTNL. Central government owes Rs 25.72 crore and Rs 15.28 crore to BSNL and MTNL respectively.Various state governments have to pay Rs 137.72 crore to BSNL and Rs 3.42 crore to MTNL. Defence organisations owe to Rs 7.32 crore and Rs 4.16 crore to the two PSUs, according to the information tabled.Ahmad said various steps are being taken to recover and clear the dues such as disconnecting telephones, filing civil suits and appointing recovery agents.To another question, Ahmad said government was not considering any proposal to privatise the postal services. The work relating to computerisation and connecting all post offices across the country would be completed by the end of the Tenth plan period, he said in a reply to another query.