Prime Minister Manmohan Singh inaugurated the global eduction centre of Infosys Technologies in Mysore today.According to a release issued by Infosys to the BSE today, the education centre, one of the largest of its kind in the world, will train technology professionals. "Located in the 270-acre Infosys Mysore campus, the center can accommodate 4,500 trainees at any given time. Infosys' total investment commitment in the Mysore Centre is Rs 520 crore ($119.3 million) out of which Rs 285 crore ($65.4 million) will be earmarked for the global education centre," the release added.Describing the leadership of Infosys as "role models of India," Prime Minister Singh said: "Narayana Murthy is a national icon, a global brand, a source of inspiration for entrepreneurs and a role model for CEOs worldwide." Speaking on the occasion, N. R. Narayana Murthy, chairman and chief mentor of Infosys, said: "As finance minister, Manmohan Singh was responsible for putting in place the policy framework and liberalising the economy, which directly led to the emergence of the Indian software industry. As we strive to attain leadership in the knowledge economy, there could be no one more dynamic than the Prime Minister to inaugurate our global education centre. We are honored to have him on our campus."The global education Centre will train Infoscions on technological and managerial skills, creating high-performing multicultural teams that partner with customers for enhanced competitiveness. The Infosys Leadership Institute, also located on the same campus, will groom and develop future leaders of Infosys."