She believes in constant innovation whether in the product line or in their marketing strategies. Young and spritely Devita Saraf seems to have infused her innovation mantra into the Rs 3 billion Zenith Computers. "I believe in launching new products suitable for different market segments so that the product reaches the relevant customer," says the 25-year-old Saraf, executive director of the company.
That explains why the 25-year-old company sells its high-end laptops in cash-rich Saudi Arabia and its education desktops in Jordan where she claims the crowd is more education-oriented. Saraf plans to use innovative processes and products to provide a PC for every purse and purpose.
The company has recently launched its home entertainment PCs which are priced at Rs 30,000. "Contrary to popular notions, Indians are more value-oriented rather than price-sensitive. They don't fall for pricing gimmicks like Rs 29,999," she points out.
The California-educated Saraf, who took over the reins of marketing and product development of the company two years ago, banks on her experiences in consumer marketing having worked as a trainee with the company for the last six years.
"I acquired a deeper understanding of the consumer mind in trips to the remotest corner of the country for I love to travel," says Saraf who claims to recharge her batteries by unwinding with young achievers her age to get her going faster. "I will relax when I grow old, not now," she quips.
With 450 exclusive stores and 900 dealers across the country, Saraf claims Zenith Computers are available in the remotest corner of, say, Laddakh. "But India is a huge market and the PC penetration is still very low. There are only 5 million PCs in the country," adds the marketing head who's focussing on the international market with a similar gusto.
The company is exporting its computers to 24 countries under the Zenith brand. "Unlike what other companies do, we don't indulge in white box exports. So you can walk in to a shop in Johannesberg and ask for a Zenith Computer," she exults.