Raman Roy, former chairman of Wipro Spectramind, along with his team will acquire 40% stake in market research firm Annik Technology Services (ATS)."The investment signals a strategic intent to support the high-end, knowledge-related services," Annik Technology said in a release today.ATS specialises in market research and data analytics, and was founded by Rahul Sahgal."I am very excited about being associated with Annik and Rahul," Roy, one of the pioneer in the BPO sector, said.Vikas Srivastava, managing partner of Luthra and Luthra Chartered Accountants, is also investing in the company."Our domain knowledge, coupled with Raman and his team's background of creating and scaling quality organisations, gives us a competetive edge that will allow us to grow Annik with new and existing customers," Rahul Sahgal, CEO and president of Annik, said.