Software solutions and service provider Ramco Systems, is looking at expanding its customer reach in order to combat the recession in the information technology (IT) industry.
Ananthasayanan N C , GM-marketing, Ramco, said, “Our revenues were hit because of the recession in the IT industry in US and European markets. We are therefore looking at other emerging markets like Africa and Middle East.”
Ramco has also launched on-demand enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, which is for use over the internet and has launched a subscription scheme for it.
“We realised that due to recession, a lot of our clients were not willing to make huge investments. So we launched the subscription model under which a client pays Rs 6,000 per user,” said Ananthasayanan.
The company has 150 customers for this on-demand ERP solution.
With 70 years of experience in the manufacturing sector and over 16 years of providing software solutions for the manufacturing sector across the world, Ramco’s ERP solution is expected to increase efficiency across the supply chain, differentiate products, keep up with regulatory mandates, reduce operational costs, improve productivity, create new opportunities, meet local needs yet scale up to global standards.