Aiming at further mobile penetration in the country, Anil Ambani's Reliance Communications is gearing up to launch a 'lifetime' connection offer for Rs 199 against the company's current charges of Rs 649, the lowest from any service provider in the country.The soon-to-be-launched service would enable subscribers to make a call at 99 paise per minute to others, SP Shukla, president ( wireless), Reliance Communications, told PTI.Reliance Communications, which has a subscriber base of 41 million as on December 31, 2007, hopes to add a "significant" number of subscribers to its fold with this offer."Going forward, we hope to have more than half of our customers under the lifetime fold," Shukla said, adding that this offer would also help the company to significantly increase its topline.The offer would not have any linkage with handsets and subscribers can use any handset to avail the offer, he said.