Chinese smartphone brand Realme on Tuesday launched the Realme C11 at Rs 7,499. The smartphone will be available in rich grey and rich blue colours on July 22, exclusively on home-grown e-commerce platform Flipkart. Alongside the phone, the company launched Realme 30W Dart Charge 10,000 mAh Power Bank at Rs 1,999. The power bank goes on sale on Flipkart from July 21.
Realme C11 specifications and features
The Realme C11 is powered by MediaTek Helio G35 system-on-chip. It sports a 6.5-inch mini-drop shaped notch screen of HD+ resolution. The phone has dual camera set-up on the back, featuring a 13-megapixel primary wide-angle sensor paired with depth sensor, and a 5-megapixel selfie sensor on the front. The camera features include portrait mode both rear and front cameras, slo-mo videos and AI selfie beauty mode. Moreover, the phone’s camera boasts super nightscape mode, which is set to be first in the segment -- according to company’s claim. The phone ships with Android 10 operating system based RealmeUI. The phone has dualSIM slots and a dedicated microSD card slot for storage expansion. Powering the smartphone is a 5,000 mAh battery.
Realme 30W Dart Charge Power Bank specifications
The power bank is based on 10,000 mAh Li-ion Polymer battery. It has two-way 30W fast charging capability and supports multi-charging solutions. It has dual output ports, incluing USB-A and USB-C. The power bank boasts 15-layer charging protection, according to the company. It has a low current mode for internet of thing (IoT) devices like smart watches, earphones, etc.
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