Samsung, the Korean electronics giant on Wednesday announced the launch of the Galaxy Tab S2 at Rs 39,400. The company claims this to be the world’s slimmest tablet.
The Galaxy Tab S2 is 5.6 mm slim, weighs 392 gm and has a 32GB internal storage, expandable to up to 128 GB.
The Samsung Galaxy Tab S2’s 9.7-inch version is equipped with Wi-Fi and LTE, and has an inbuilt memory of 32GB, expandable to up to 128 GB with external storage. It became available for sale across retail outlets from Wednesday.
Speaking at the launch, Manu Sharma, director of mobile business, Samsung Electronics, said on Wednesday: “The Galaxy Tab S2 combines features that enhance productivity and usability for a complete user experience, powered by 4G data connectivity and speed. We believe the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 is the most complete personal visual device designed for consumers to carry and use anywhere.”
The tablet will be available in three colors — Gold, Black and White. During launch period, the Tab S2 consumers will get 2GB of 4G data per month free on Airtel’s Network, for two months.