, "The SAP solution market in India is growing at eight per cent per annum compared with the three per cent growth in the US." In fact, the US market is completely saturated and many SAP solutions providers are eyeing India for business, he added. |
Ravindran said there is a huge market in India especially in Gujarat, Maharastra, Bangalore, and Kolkata for SAP solutions. India only lags in proper marketing, packaging and positioning of the products. |
Gujarat has to develop good infrastructure to attract multi-nationals to invest in the state. Direct flights from Ahmedabad to Singapore is a step towards the right direction, said Ravidnran on the sidelines of the ceremony to launch Genovate SAP solution academy in Ahmedabad. |
SAP industry is not like software or BPO industry where suddenly boom comes and fizzles out within a few years. SAP technology is going to stay for the next five years and the growth rate especially in the training side is quite high. |
Many multi-nationals, blue chip companies, government and private firms such as Oil and Natural Gas Company (ONGC), Reliance industries, Arvind Mills, Bharat Petroleum Company Limited (BPCL) take SAP solutions from Genovate. |