South Park, the American animated show, is known for its brusque humour, and the same features in the videogames. Published in 2014, South Park: The Stick of Truth went on to become hugely popular. So it’s not a surprise that the sequel, South Park: The Fractured but Whole, already has an enormous fan base.
The videogame is a role-playing game set in the fictional town of South Park and features the familiar fourth-graders. But be warned: the game, much like the show, features crude jokes about race and gender, along with a fair share of expletives. The game is certainly not for children or, for that matter, people who are easily offended.
While The Stick of Truth had a fantasy-based storyline, The Fractured but Whole parodies the ever-growing popularity of superhero franchises. Eric Cartman, one of the main protagonists of the show and the game, dreams of having a movie and Netflix franchise, taking a dig at the huge Marvel and DC cinematic franchises. He is back as the vigilante Coon with his band of followers and are together called “Coon and Friends”. Parodying Captain America: Civil War, the group has a rival superhero group called Freedom Pals. The story revolves around the growing crime wave in the town and the eight-year-olds decide to get to the bottom of it, so that the $100 reward helps them fund their “movie franchise”.
The game is definitely meant for the show’s fans. You are introduced to familiar characters and jokes. Randy Marsh, in all his inebriated glory, still stays a favourite.
Though the game might seem childish, it is enjoyable up till the last moment. For instance, to get to the Coon’s lair, you need a passcode. You might be able to guess the passcode before finding it in Cartman’s diary, and if you enter the code based on your guess, Cartman dressed as a coach will call you a cheat.
South Park: The Fractured but Whole has you in splits the entire time but only if you’re a fan of the show. The game is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows.
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