Tata Teleservices is planning to invest Rs 375 crore in 2005-06 to expand its telecom services in Tamil Nadu. This would put its cumulative investment in the state at Rs 1,475 crore. |
The company's emphasis this year is to be on its mobile services, which is currently far behind its fixed wireless service in terms of subscriber demand. |
At a press conference on Wednesday, Madhusudan, chief operating officer of the company's TN and Kerala circles, said that the aim during the year was to increase the subscriber base to about a million. |
Madhusudan expected 60 per cent of incremental demand to veer towards mobile services. |
At present, about 3 lakh of its subscribers (75 per cent of the total) have chosen its fixed wireless plan. In the current year, Tata Tele plans to extend its coverage in TN to 300 towns, about two times the town covered last fiscal. |