Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra), which faces a Rs 50 crore penalty for offering Push-To-Talk services in violation of its license, has informed the Department of Telecommunications (DoT), that the company was not involved in any licensing violations. |
"PTT application was introduced on a trial basis, after extensive discussions with the regulator by the company, which holds an all India category 'A' Internet Service Providers license. The service was provided using the internet protocol (IP) in conformity with the provisions of the ISP license," the company said. |
The regulator, which had earlier looked into the issue had suggested that no penal action be taken against the company, while adding that the government must have the matter examined further. After further examination, the DoT had issued a show cause notice to the company for violation of SP license |
Accusing both the regulator and the DoT not taking the licensing and regulatory steps before the launch of the service, the company said that "it had submitted a write up to the regulator" |
"If Trai / DoT had indicated at any time before or even after the introduction of the service in November, 2004, requiring us to stop or suspend the introductory launch, we would have had no hesitation in compiling with any such direction,' the company said.On the alleged ADC violation, the company has said that the services were offered under an ISP license and it did not come under the ADC and interconnect user charge regime. |
"Tata Teleservices never has had any malafide intentions and has never tried to evade ADC. It has not even charged its subscribers for the PTT application. As a goodwill gesture, we had remitted to BSNL HQ the ADC amount equivalent to what would have been maximum payable of these were treated as long distance calls," the company said. Tata Teleservices has also submitted technical and network details to prove that it has installed the necessary equipment, to intercept its PTT calls, and that the services did not pose a threat to national security. |