The company has posted a 33 per cent increase in its net profit at Rs 630 crore for the quarter ended June 30,2005 compared with Rs 474.07 crore in the corresponding quarter of previous year. Net revenue of the company posted a 6.2 per cent increase at Rs 2,712 crore for the current quarter against Rs 2184.52 crore for the corresponding quarter in the previous year.According to Ramadorai, the company's services in the IT, BPO and engineerig sector across geographies and verticals. The company stated that it has added 68 new clients in the first quarter and added 2,690 employees in the current quarter with an attrition rate of 8.2 per cent.TCS has bagged several international contracts including a $100 million from a US based financial services firm and has formed a strategic partnership with the government of China.