India's largest software exporter Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) will hire upto 13000 professionals in this fiscal, the company said today."We have plans to hire between 11,000 - 13000 software professionals this fiscal," S Ramadorai, CEO of TCS said today.With over 40,000 IT professionals in 33 countries, TCS is positioned to deliver its services seamlessly to any location. TCS reported consolidated revenues of $2.24 billion in the fiscal year 2004-2005. He, however, declined to give any futher details saying the company's Q1 results are scheduled to be announced in July 15 so it is in a silent period.TCS which has a sizeable China operation, earlier last week entered into a strategic partnership with Microsoft for the Chinese market, which was expected to take off this year.He said its Chinese operations has 300 professionals at present and TCS had been operating in this country since 2002 and delivering services and solutions to Japanese customers mainly from its global delivery centre at Hangzhou.TCS and Microsoft were selected as strategic partners by Sino-India Cooperative Office (SICO) of People's Republic of China (PRC) among other Chinese investors to provide IT outsourcing services and solutions to both the global market and domestic market.The JV will provide it outsourcing services and solutions to all major worldwide markets particularly US, Europe, and the Asia Pacific region including China's domestic market.