The Tamil Nadu government has cancelled the allotment of land by the previous AIADMK government to five software companies - Cognizant Technologies, Megasoft, Benchmark Softtech, Proton Web and Advance Software - on the grounds of alleged irregularities.An official press release today said the previous AIADMK government, at the fag end of its tenure in February 25, 2006, decided to allot 123 acres to these companies at a throwaway price. A Government Order was issued for this on March 1 last. The GO was withheld that day itself as the Election Commission imposed the model code of conduct for the assembly polls.Since a public interest litigation demanding a CBI probe into these allotments is pending in court and the decision was taken without observing the rules, the Cabinet, at its July 20 meeting, decided to cancel the allotment, the release said.The AIADMK government decided to sell the land, belonging to Electronics Corporation of Tamil Nadu, at the rate of Rs 48 lakh per acre, which was very less compared to the market rate, the release said.While Cognizant was given 20 acres, Megasoft was allotted 25 acres, Proton Web 3 acres, Benchmark 25 acres and Advanced Software 50 acres by the AIADMK government.