The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) on Monday said there was no need for a separate exit policy for players in the sector and the entry fees they had paid would remain non-refundable.
The exit policy was to be created for categories like the 122 Universal Access Service licence given on or after January 10, 2008, licences given prior to January 10, 2008, and all other licence and future licences.
"Based on the comments received from stakeholders and keeping in view the Supreme Court judgment of February 2, Trai proposes to recommend the government there was no need for separate exit policy and the entry fee paid by the licensees will continue to be non-refundable," Trai said in its response paper on issues relating to exit policy for various telecom licences.
The present conditions regarding surrendering of licences within 60 days of giving notice, would continue to be applicable, Trai said. The regulator said the stakeholders were required to send their comments on the proposed response of Trai by April 5.
Trai had earlier issued a pre-consultation paper on ‘Exit-Policy for various telecom licences’ on January 6, asking for comments of stakeholders by January 24, on issues like implications, advantages and disadvantages to the individual licensees, to the government revenues and to the telecom sector as a whole.