In a bid to make customer experiences better on Twitter, the micro-blogging site has relaxed the rules for customer service Direct Messages (DMs) and introduced a new feature that makes sure businesses can always respond to the customers DMs.
"We have introduced features that allow people to more easily start a private conversation with businesses such as the Direct Message deep link and Direct Message Card. We have also made it easier for people to quickly engage with welcome messages and quick replies," the company wrote in a blog post on Friday.
"We are excited to introduce adaptive rate limits, a new feature for developers sending Direct Messages through our API," the company added.
Adaptive rate limits help to ensure that businesses can always respond to customers who privately message them, even when inbound volumes are high.
The change means that for every message you send to a company over DM, they can send you five responses within 24 hours.
If you send them another message, then that figure resets, meaning that you can theoretically chat forever, should you want to, according to the Engadget.