An app that lets you chat with your online friends without access to Internet. An app that helps you build your own app! These were the kind of innovative apps that young developers who participated in SMS-app developer challenge ‘App2Fame 2012’ held in Bangalore came out with.
txtWeb, an open platform for SMS-based applications, has announced the results of App2Fame, a national-level challenge that offers a platform to aspiring developers to create innovate tools and applications. The context offers prizes worth Rs 7.5 lakh to the winners.
The grand prize (Rs 1 lakh) for the most-popular app went to @fbc app, which is a simple and secure app to chat with online friends via just an SMS, while the grand prize (Rs 50,000) for the open source category went to @phplib for an app that provides open APIs (application programming interface) that any developer can use to build an app.
The grand prize (Rs 30,000) for business solutions category was bagged by @ivs (information via SMS), an app that can be used by educational institutes to declare results, update attendance records, time tables and many other data like syllabus, via SMS.
“With an increasing surge of mobile applications across platforms and devices, we urge the young developer community to combine their skills, knowledge and creativity to build innovative applications on a global platform like txtWeb,” said Srividhya Ramarathnam, India business head, txtWeb.
Launched in India in 2011, txtWeb is currently being used all over the country across 1,000 cities and towns. It has over one million monthly active mobile users, using one or more of the 3,300 monthly active apps built by developers and businesses across India.