Chinese electronics maker Xiaomi on Tuesday launched in India its Redmi Smart Band at Rs 1,599. The entry-level health and fitness band is the first one under Redmi product portfolio. The Redmi Smart Band will be available starting September 9 at 1 pm through Xiaomi online portal, Amazon India, Mi Homes and Mi Studios.
“In May 2020, we had announced our aim to expand Redmi India’s portfolio in categories that not only help democratize the market, but also bring an accessible connected ecosystem for the consumers. With the launch of Redmi Smart Band, we are foraying into the wearable market with an aim to make personal fitness tracking accessible to a larger customer base. In today’s extraordinary times, it is important for one to prioritise fitness and wellness. Redmi Smart Band brings with it the functionalities to do just that by covering all possible fitness activities of an individual,” Raghu Reddy, Chief Business Officer, Mi India, said in a statement.
The Redmi Smart Band sports a 1.08-inch LCD touchscreen. The display supports gesture navigations to change watch face, control features and access notifications. The fitness band features direct USB charging, allowing the band to be charged directly from any USB Type-A port. The band’s straps are replaceable and it comes in black, green, blue and orange colour variants.
As for the features, the Redmi Smart band has 5 different modes of tracking, outdoor running, treadmill, cycling, walking and freestyle exercise. It also features continuous heart rate monitoring and sleep monitor. There is phone’s app notification support and the band displays weather updates, music control, notification alerts and call rejection options. These functions, however, are accessible through Xiaomi Wear and Xiaomi Wear Lite apps that are available on the Google Play Store and the Apple App store. The band is water resistance, up to 5ATM.
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