Chinese smart wearable maker Zepp Health on Wednesday announced launch details of its India-exclusive smartwatch, the Amazfit Pop 2. Arriving on November 22, the fitness wearable is priced at Rs 3,999. It will be available on the e-commerce platform Flipkart at an introductory price of Rs 3,299 on the launch day. It will also be available on the Amazfit official website, alongside Flipkart, from November 23.
Amazfit Pop 2: Specifications
Powered by a 270 mAh battery, the Amazfit Pop 2 sports a 1.78-inch HD AMOLED screen. The fitness wearable has a rectangular dial with a side-mounted button for navigation. It boasts an aluminium frame and steel button. The smartwatch is supported by the Zepp Active app, which allows users to customise the watch face, modify the settings, and sync health and fitness data to their smartphone.
The Amazfit Pop 2 offers Bluetooth calling feature supported by inbuilt microphone and speaker. Besides, it will have a built-in capability to activate Apple Siri and Google Assistant on iPhones and Android phones, respectively. The fitness wearable is compatible with Zepp OS. According to Zepp Health, the Amazfit Pop 2 can last up to 10 days on normal usage.
As for fitness, the smartwatch has over 100 sports modes built-in and supports automatically detect features for four everyday activities – walking, jogging, working out on elliptical, and rowing machines. It has sensors for heart rate monitoring, and blood oxygen saturation. Besides, it has a feature to alert the user - if it detects irregularities in heart rate.
Earlier this month, Zepp Health also launched the Amazfit Band 7 at Rs 3,499. Powered by a 232 mAh battery, the Amazfit Band 7 sports a 1.47-inch HD AMOLED screen supported by over 50 customisable watch faces and always-on displays. The fitness band has a rectangular dial. It is 5 ATM rated for water protection. The smartwatch comes in classic black and elegant beige colours. The smart band can be customised with the help of straps which are available in pink, orange, blue, and green colours.
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