Abheek Barua

Abheek Barua

Abheek Barua

Little scope for RBI to take its foot off the gas

The RBI need not match the Fed one-to-one but there seems little scope to take its foot off the gas

Updated On: 07 Dec 2022 | 9:58 PM IST

Economic Survey 2020: A decade-old slowdown reversing?

Investments suffered as companies were keen on repaying debt rather than taking fresh loans to add to capacity

Updated On: 31 Jan 2020 | 8:57 PM IST

A much-needed blueprint

The Economic Survey posits a clear development model to put India on a high-growth path

Updated On: 05 Jul 2019 | 3:43 AM IST

India's China syndrome

Instead of the average growth of 7 per cent that the official data shows in the period between 2011-12 and 2016-17, Arvind Subramanian's estimate is a meagre 4.5 per cent

Updated On: 26 Jun 2019 | 12:36 AM IST

What constitutes a good UBI?

The lack of "universality" becomes the biggest problem in any Universal Basic Income scheme since it raises the challenges of effective targeting

Updated On: 26 May 2019 | 11:04 PM IST

2018: Gazing into the crystal ball

Political risk culminating from elections in the US and Latin America, and evolving right-wing populism in Europe could lead to substantial volatility

Updated On: 25 Dec 2017 | 11:54 AM IST

Are emerging markets losing their mojo?

If the dollar bottoms out and the ECB, BoE bring in tighter monetary policies, emerging markets could head south

Updated On: 08 Oct 2017 | 10:40 PM IST

What's happening to money orders?

Low crude prices have led to a drop in remittances to India from the diaspora in the Gulf region

Updated On: 13 Aug 2017 | 10:40 PM IST

Yes, the rupee can appreciate more

In this world of new 'normals', going past gauges of overvaluation might just be a lost cause

Updated On: 30 Jul 2017 | 11:02 PM IST

Junking the TPP: Will it help or hurt India?

Whether Regional Cooperation and Economic Partnership will lead to similar gains is questionable

Updated On: 26 Feb 2017 | 10:40 PM IST

Abheek Barua: Why the fuss about inflation?

RBI sees rise in demand on the back of cheaper borrowing as a risk for inflation going forward

Updated On: 23 Feb 2017 | 10:43 PM IST

Abheek Barua & Bidisha Ganguly: The Fed acts decisively

Its statement reinforces the market's belief that fiscal policy would become more expansionary under the Trump administration and inflation would harden in 2017

Updated On: 18 Dec 2016 | 10:40 PM IST

Abheek Barua & Bidisha Ganguly: The dollar, rupee, Trump and cash crunch

If Donald Trump throws all caution to the wind, the fairly valued rupee might become a casualty

Updated On: 05 Dec 2016 | 4:33 AM IST

Abheek Barua: The other strike on November 8th

Trade protectionism, criticism of the Fed and the utter disdain for regulation - Donald Trump's views are a cause for anxiety

Updated On: 24 Nov 2016 | 10:50 PM IST

Abheek Barua & Bidisha Ganguly: The Trump trade

Markets may have reacted too sharply and taken every word of Trump's campaign rhetoric at face value

Updated On: 20 Nov 2016 | 9:40 PM IST

Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump: Who is better for India?

The two US presidential contenders from rival parties have flip-flopped on issues related to India World money

Updated On: 07 Nov 2016 | 9:59 AM IST

Abheek Barua: RIP emerging markets?

Evidence suggests that emerging markets are going the way of the developed world and the days of turbo-charged growth are over

Updated On: 28 Oct 2016 | 10:45 PM IST

Abheek Barua & Bidisha Ganguly: Where are oil prices headed?

OPEC's move to cut output has pushed up oil prices. From here it could go either way: oil could reach $100/barrel or an analysis of demand and supply might follow

Updated On: 09 Oct 2016 | 9:49 PM IST

Abheek Barua: How Indians feel about India

A new Pew survey finds most citizens upbeat about the economy and the country's future. Yet, there is some dissonance in the responses

Updated On: 30 Sep 2016 | 12:58 AM IST

Abheek Barua & Bidisha Ganguly: Moneymakers' muddle

With Fed set to raise rates, Bank of Japan waffling and European Central Bank in an introspective mood, the end of super-easy money policy might happen soon

Updated On: 25 Sep 2016 | 9:33 PM IST