Stock market strategy after Lok Sabha election results: The BJP may end up focusing more on the coalition partners than concentrating on economic growth.
Election results will keep market participants glued to the political landscape for the next few days - probably the most expensive elections from the point of the view of public health
Analysts revised the earnings estimate multiple times - from an EPS contraction in FY21 to the latest estimates of a around 15 per cent growth. Moreover, FY22 EPS is expected to grow further by 30%
A prudent investor, is one who has control over this thoughts and expectations. One should decide how much is enough and most importantly not regret moving out
It will be interesting to see how the new government will generate additional revenues to fund populist schemes already announced without dampening the market mood.
As predicted by IMF, the threat to the global economy seems real now. President Trump's focus will also shift to target other countries for such tariff hikes and India will be no exception.
For the coming years, what will hold true for RIL will be Mukesh Ambani's famous statement from a conference last year: 'Data is the new oil and India doesn't need to import it'