To explore a city littered with remnants of an era gone by, the 112-year-old Ambika Vilas in the heart of Trivandrum offers an ideal reprieve from modernity
It is not clear whether there are any safeguards in place to prevent any individual who may buy Gangwal's entire stake from making a bid to gain control of the airline through an open offer
Last year ended with a revenue of $170 million and this year (end July) the company will touch a revenue of $450-500 million with 15-20 per cent accruing from India
Speaking to Anjuli Bhargava from his residence in Geneva, Saxena says the severest toll of the Covid-19 pandemic may be on the mental health of large sections of the human population
Basu worries that a 'dispirited' India may be behind the country plummeting from one of the fastest growing economies towards the bottom of the heap in a short span of four years
He spoke to Anjuli Bhargava about the second wave of the pandemic, how the US managed its vaccine rollout better than India, and where India needs to go with its genomics sequencing capabilities