
Too many target errors: Use of drones as lethal weapons should be banned

America's parting drone attack in Afghanistan, which killed an aid worker and his family, is emblematic of the entire drone war

Updated On: 18 Oct 2021 | 11:22 AM IST

Afghanistan needs immediate support, physical cash. Inaction is untenable

The Taliban's cruelties are horrendous, but withholding international support and maintaining blanket sanctions will only hurt the long-suffering Afghan people.

Updated On: 07 Oct 2021 | 9:41 AM IST

Might of the generals: the US military has way too much money and power

The military stood up to Donald Trump. Who will now stand up to the military?

Updated On: 23 Sep 2021 | 11:15 AM IST

US can help improve global security by closing its military bases abroad

The United States has withdrawn its troops from Afghanistan. Only 750 military bases to go.

Updated On: 21 Sep 2021 | 9:03 AM IST

September 11 and the debacle of 'nation-building' in Iraq and Afghanistan

Nation-building in Afghanistan and Iraq was the resurrection of a doctrine that should have been buried after Vietnam.

Updated On: 12 Sep 2021 | 9:47 AM IST

On 20th anniversary of 9/11 attacks, America is an unreliable superpower

The US was still riding high in the aftermath of the end of the Cold War in 2000. Today, it is one major power among many.

Updated On: 09 Sep 2021 | 10:42 AM IST

Democracy promoter USA's ideals at risk from rise of far right in country

Democracy promotion-it was supposed to be a method by which the United States remade the world to look more like us

Updated On: 26 Aug 2021 | 9:10 AM IST

In ending the war in Afghanistan, Biden leaves door open for war on terror

In ending the war in Afghanistan, Biden left the door open for more "counterterrorism" - with serious implications for our foreign policy, politics, and legal system

Updated On: 20 Aug 2021 | 8:02 AM IST

Not just Afghanistan; you can find Taliban wherever people reject modernity

Afghanistan is not the only place at risk of takeover by extremists

Updated On: 19 Aug 2021 | 8:40 AM IST

Delta variant of politics: Far right jumps on anti-vaccination bandwagon

Today's far right is not conservative: it detests the state and prefers vigilante justice.

Updated On: 12 Aug 2021 | 12:01 PM IST

Hardliner Raisi's win in Iran election may turn out be good news for Biden

The cleric may be push a deal on Iran's nuclear programme more effectively than reformists.

Updated On: 24 Jun 2021 | 9:03 AM IST

'No first use' of nuclear weapons goes halfway; aim for no nuclear weapons

If only first use is prohibited, it stands to reason that second or third or fourth use is permitted.

Updated On: 17 Jun 2021 | 11:14 AM IST

US is bracing for a surge of Trumpism in twilight of Covid-19 pandemic

While most Americans go about their calmer post-Trumpian lives under the Biden administration, a significant number of their fellow citizens live in a different reality.

Updated On: 10 Jun 2021 | 1:25 PM IST

Gaining in conflict, Netanyahu may emerge victorious in Israeli politics

Operation Cast Lead was supposed to eliminate the offensive capabilities of Hamas the Palestinian political faction that had taken over Gaza the year before.

Updated On: 20 May 2021 | 10:03 AM IST

Immigrants are a gift: Germany learns from solution for birth rate crisis

It's useful to bear the German experience in mind as the US again tackles its 'immigration crisis'.

Updated On: 10 May 2021 | 12:44 PM IST

Could Joe Biden's climate change policy lead to more militarism?

Climate change poses an existential threat. That doesn't mean we should further empower an already bloated Pentagon

Updated On: 23 Feb 2021 | 11:32 AM IST

Falling oil prices, raging pandemic have exposed weaknesses of the wealthy

Covid-19 is not the Black Death, but its impact may be civilizational, weakening the mighty, raising up the modest, and rearranging axes of power across the globe

Updated On: 15 Sep 2020 | 10:42 AM IST

Big tech's dominance around the globe is something to be worried about

Facebook and Google's dominance of developing-world markets has had catastrophic effects. US regulators should take note

Updated On: 05 Sep 2020 | 9:56 AM IST

From Trump to Duterte: How Covid-19 is spelling end of so-called autocrats

Donald Trump in the United States, Viktor Orbán in Hungary, Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines, and others were seen as taking advantage of the crisis to advance their me-first agendas

Updated On: 29 Aug 2020 | 12:17 PM IST

How coronavirus pandemic could turn world politics on its head

Trust is the fuel that makes global institutions run. And it looks as though we've passed Peak Trust

Updated On: 29 Jul 2020 | 12:54 PM IST