Harsh Goenka

Harsh Goenka

Harsh Goenka

Budget a booster shot for India, has ambition, resolution and innovation

It was one of the toughest times in history to announce a budget, writes Harsh Goenka.

Updated On: 02 Feb 2021 | 3:14 AM IST

Budget 2019: Let us hope Indian team will take on from where FM left us

The increase in petrol and diesel prices was also taken with some amount of disdain largely because everyone was looking forward to more sops

Updated On: 06 Jul 2019 | 1:15 AM IST

Goodbye to the doyen of Virginia House

He had worked very hard to keep ITC's identity as an Indian company far from the influence of BAT

Updated On: 11 May 2019 | 11:50 PM IST

Harsh Goenka: Which way out for Vijay Mallya?

Mr Mallya needs to start a serious dialogue for settlement with the banks. Since the case was not settled at the right time, it has taken on political undertones, making it harder and more complex to

Updated On: 16 Jul 2016 | 9:49 PM IST