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Indira Rajaraman: Transparency as cure
Transparent disclosure of project clearances and delays is needed to restore the health of the banking system
Indira Rajaraman: Look past 100 days
The first 100 days of any government should be a period when it is allowed to get its act together, with no media pressure for faster, higher
Indira Rajaraman: Replacing the Planning Commission
The Planning Commission needs to be replaced by institutions prescribed under the Constitution for the functions it usurped
Indira Rajaraman: Dismantling food inflation
The most important features of the Union and Rail Budgets for 2014-15 are the micro-interventions that address food inflation
Indira Rajaraman: The fiscal middle distance
We need to anticipate the negative fiscal fallout of the Seventh Pay Commission, appointed by the UPA three years before it was due
Indira Rajaraman: Fiscally induced investment
We need to ensure that our tax structure encourages both investment and the production of output from that investment
Indira Rajaraman: More complete financial inclusion
The report on financial inclusion focuses on expanding access for deposits, but not enough on expanding access to credit
Indira Rajaraman: Targeting only inflation?
A central bank derives credibility from the financial stability it is able to deliver by responding flexibly to the need of the hour
Indira Rajaraman: Working on the fine print
The incident with the Indian consul in New York should be used to work out the legal minutiae of the mutual diplomatic engagement between India and the US
Indira Rajaraman: Inequality within states
Intrastate inequality can only be corrected through reform of budgetary allocation formulae between districts within states
Indira Rajaraman: Voting for governance
Candidates in the current state elections must be made to offer specific promises against which their performance can be measured
Indira Rajaraman: Funding states
Any quantification of relative state shares in development funding based on outcome deficits carries perverse incentives
Indira Rajaraman: Not high fives
The land Bill will markedly slow down the pace of land acquisition and lead to further escalation in the price of land
Neglecting the key issue
Neither side in the face-off between Sen-Dreze and Bhagwati-Panagariya addresses the key issue of supply-side constraints in food production
Gold and the CAD
Along with short-term measures to curb gold imports, address the structural drivers of the demand for gold
Financing urban infrastructure
Property taxes are the only feasible payback stream for private capital going into urban infrastructure not amenable to user fees
Monetary levers big and small
When monetary transmission through the big levers is obstructed, other small levers may work to curtail inflation and enhance growth
The economic vision of Margaret Thatcher
We need politicians like Margaret Thatcher, who can articulate their economic solutions for the country
Jobs, jobs, jobs
The growth path going forward has to absorb the new entrants into the labour force, estimated at 4.5 mn annually in the 12th Plan document
Indira Rajaraman: The entitlement state
The entitlement blanket jostles for fiscal room with other expenditures that are far more meaningful for the poor