Michael Pinto

Michael Pinto

Michael Pinto

A new PSU isn't the answer

Government needs to rethink fleet expansion strategy

Updated On: 22 Jul 2024 | 10:15 PM IST

Michael Pinto: How many hub ports do we need?

Vizhinjam port will do what Vallarpadam failed to do - provide greater competition to Colombo

Updated On: 31 Dec 2016 | 10:02 PM IST

Michael Pinto: The independence of independent directors

Independent directors must grow out of the shadow of those who invited them to join the board

Updated On: 24 Dec 2016 | 9:11 PM IST

Michael Pinto: Cabotage conundrums

Successive governments have struggled to deal with the question of cabotage. Both the UPA and the NDA have stumbled badly in a bid to please both those who want it retained, and those who want it abol

Updated On: 09 Apr 2016 | 10:28 PM IST

Michael Pinto: The problems with regulators

The jury is still out on whether they have served the purpose for which they were appointed

Updated On: 18 Jul 2015 | 10:09 PM IST

Michael Pinto: Does India need so many ports?

Government should ensure that existing ports operate with increased efficiency, instead of trying to build new ones

Updated On: 06 Jun 2015 | 9:50 PM IST

Michael Pinto: Taking Indian ports global

There is a need to set up a strong Indian company to invest in port projects abroad

Updated On: 31 May 2014 | 9:50 PM IST

Michael Pinto: Developing the wrong kind of port

Instead of more ports for international trade, India needs to focus on smaller ports for coastal and inland shipping

Updated On: 19 Apr 2014 | 9:50 PM IST

Michael Pinto: Mr Ramadorai and conflict of interest

It is pointless to raise barriers between private and public sector when it makes better sense to harness the skills of successful industrialists to public purpose

Updated On: 06 Feb 2014 | 10:02 PM IST

Michael Pinto: How to nobble a port project

It's easy to stop development and promote your own interests - just go to court and delay work on possible commercial rivals

Updated On: 02 Feb 2013 | 5:45 PM IST