Today's populist leaders, unlike the strong authoritarians of history, maintain political durability by keeping the masses in a state of consensual mediocrity and low self-esteem
Indian elites consider it their divine right to have first claim over our Commons - and the Indian state, a petty landlord obsessed with revenue crumbs, actively collaborates
Taxing inherited wealth of foreigners of Indian origin offers a means to strike a balance between national interest and individual liberty, but it may not see the light of day
EU's Carbon Border tax is not just discriminatory but founded on a flawed and faulty concept aimed to shift the burden of the carbon transition on to developing countries
Economic policy tradecraft cannot be executed with inferiority complex that constantly requires divisive religio-cultural and ethnic grievances to be sated
Central banks are incapable of dealing with the political and economic outcomes of inflation, and the sooner this is recognised, the less dangerous the consequences will be going forward
Policymakers must be wary of using frameworks tailored by rich countries to address rich country problems when crafting India's inflation-control strategy