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Rohit Lamba

Rohit Lamba

The author is an economist at New York University Abu Dhabi and Cornell University, and a co-author of the recent book Breaking the Mould: Reimagining India’s Economic Future

Rohit Lamba

The government's lethargic approach of responding to every challenge through a "scheme" is getting tiring

Updated On: 24 Jul 2024 | 11:54 PM IST

In part five of a series, the authors explain that if CRAR is proving to be tricky internationally, exclusive reliance on it in India is perhaps even more fraught with risks

Updated On: 07 May 2015 | 10:40 PM IST

India's credit and banking are neither too big nor too small

Updated On: 09 Apr 2015 | 10:14 PM IST