Satya Poddar

Satya Poddar

Satya Poddar

Satya Poddar & Shalini Mathur: How to make GST fair and simple

Exemptions, which are supposed to be pro-poor, should be replaced by direct benefit transfer

Updated On: 06 Nov 2016 | 10:39 PM IST

Satya Poddar: GST is a win-win reform

GST will be a "game-changer" as both the Centre and State governments will sacrifice their fiscal autonomy in favour of the new tax

Updated On: 04 Aug 2016 | 1:40 AM IST

Satya Poddar & Venkatesh Narayan: Model GST Law or lowest common denominator?

Its economic efficiency and simplicity are diluted and it contains the most toxic sections from the legacy laws of the Centre and states

Updated On: 06 Jul 2016 | 9:51 PM IST

For economy, it is more of the same: Satya Poddar

The world over, the principal objectives of tax reform are promotion of investment and economic growth, efficiency and simplicity

Updated On: 01 Mar 2016 | 1:39 AM IST

Satya Poddar: CEA panel recommends low rate GST with broad base

The panel's recommendations question the architecture of the goods and services tax, going far beyond the arithmetic calculation, but its proposal of an interim two-rate structure is far from optimal

Updated On: 06 Dec 2015 | 9:58 PM IST

The phase-out of incentives will fulfil DTC agenda

The withdrawal of incentives is a sensitive proposal as it entails both gainers and losers

Updated On: 21 Nov 2015 | 1:42 AM IST

Satya Poddar & Shalini Mathur: GST - Break free of the legacy mindset

The Goods and Services Tax processes in their current avatar appear one-sided. What we need is a transparent, consultative mechanism

Updated On: 17 Nov 2015 | 11:01 PM IST

Satya Poddar: Making up for lost ground on GST

Notwithstanding the disappointing Select Panel report, the GST Bill can be salvaged with simple adjustments and the backing of stakeholders

Updated On: 02 Aug 2015 | 10:32 PM IST

Satya Poddar: GST should be a good and simple tax

Though the GST Council will design the tax, it is imposed with significant constraints on the choices it can make

Updated On: 18 May 2015 | 10:52 PM IST

Satya Poddar: Cleaning up with the GST

The incremental revenues from taxation of land and liquor will help in keeping the GST rate low

Updated On: 16 Oct 2014 | 10:10 PM IST

Satya Poddar: The steps to the GST

For the government to go forward, it should build a better structure for research and policy analysis for the goods and services tax

Updated On: 11 Jul 2014 | 12:20 AM IST

Satya Poddar & Shalini Mathur: A blueprint to encourage tax compliance

The TARC report calls for the formation of a tax council to make the administration less adversarial and more productive

Updated On: 30 Jun 2014 | 10:05 PM IST

Satya Poddar: Direct taxes and GST - The unfulfilled promises

We need a system that helps entrepreneurs and allows smooth administration

Updated On: 17 Feb 2014 | 10:55 PM IST

How 'impossible' GST became 'inevitable'

The Parliamentary Committee's endorsement has lifted this critical indirect tax reform above the quagmire of divisive politics

Updated On: 13 Aug 2013 | 9:55 PM IST

Time for states to exit from entry tax

Updated On: 04 Aug 2013 | 10:43 PM IST

Revised circulars: A change in FinMin stance

The move reflects willingness of the finance minister and the CBDT to remain flexible to emerging needs of the new business models

Updated On: 07 Jul 2013 | 8:57 PM IST

GST won't be a game-changer, only a name changer

The Empowered Committee of State Finance Ministers' design squeezes out the politics from the new tax but makes it unacceptable as an alternative to the existing structure

Updated On: 12 Jun 2013 | 9:47 PM IST

Satya Poddar: Investors greet Budget with a yawn

This years Budget has been widely acclaimed as bold and responsible. Yet, investors, both foreign and domestic, may greet it with only a yawn.

Updated On: 03 Mar 2013 | 10:30 PM IST

A welcome addition to the reform agenda

The introduction of the indirect transfer provisions with retrospective effect was bad politics and bad economics

Updated On: 02 Feb 2013 | 5:45 PM IST