Tata Motors has launched the updated 2025 model of the Tiago and Tiago EV in India, ahead of the upcoming Bharat Mobility Global Expo 2025 where both will be showcased. The ex-showroom prices for the Tata Tiago start at Rs 5 lakh, going up to Rs 7.20 lakh. For buyers opting for the Tiago iCNG variant, the prices are Rs 1 lakh higher than the petrol version, starting from Rs 6 lakh and going up to Rs 8.20 lakh. Meanwhile, the Tata Tiago EV received significant updates, with ex-showroom prices beginning at Rs 7.99 lakh and going up to Rs 11.14 lakh.
Tiago returns with fresh features
The Tata Tiago received major update after almost four years. The model was last updated in 2020 when it received cosmetic updates to go with Tata’s IMPACT 2.0 design philosophy. The 2025 model gets a host of new features, which will also be extended to the Tiago EV. The Tiago is available in five main trim levels: XE, XM, XT, XZ and XZ Plus, while the Tiago NRG cross-hatch is based on the XZ trim. The Tiago iCNG, meanwhile, is offered in XE, XM, XT and XZ trims, with the NRG iCNG available in XZ trim. The Tata Tiago EV is available in three variants – XE, XT and XZ Plus.
New tech and premium features
Some of the significant additions include a new 10.25-inch floating touchscreen infotainment system, wireless Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, LED headlights, a new steering wheel with illuminated Tata logo (like of the Nexon) and a new digital instrument cluster. The all-electric Tiago EV, too, will get these features in top-spec trim, along with a leatherette-wrapped steering wheel, six-way adjustable driver’s seat and cruise control.
Familiar engines, spotlight on EVs
The engine options are expected to remain largely unchanged. The Tata Tiago petrol will continue with the 1.2-litre, three-cylinder petrol engine, and the Tiago EV retaining its existing battery and motor configurations. Both models will be showcased at Tata Motors pavilion along with other models like the production-ready Tata Harrier EV and Tata Sierra EV among others.