In 2012, India’s GDP per capita was Rs 74,600, while the GDP per capita had increased to Rs 108,000 in 2019-20. The pandemic brought down the per capita to Rs 99,694 per annum. While the per capita GDP increased 33 per cent in a decade, it does not reflect the growth which has taken place in the decade.
The Economic Survey analysis of night lights data shows which regions have benefitted the most from India’s development. As electrification reached more villages, India’s map indicates that the Hindi Belt benefitted most.
While Punjab and Haryana were already electrified, between 2012 and 2021, electrification in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh.
Eastern UP and Bihar reaped the benefits of electrification as luminosity across this region grew manifold.
Similarly, in Karnataka, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh luminosity went beyond the urban centres.
(left map is for 2011 and right for 2021)
This trend is also evident from graphs of national highway networks and growth in airports in the region.
Highway graphs show north-eastern states have gained a lot from rapid growth in infrastructure. Maharashtra and UP are also the big gainers. On the other hand, West Bengal shows slight improvement over the decade.
The growth in commercial banks is somehow correlated with the night lights data. The Hindi Belt witnessed the most increase in the spread of commercial bank branches during this period.
The net sown area also increased in these regions.
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