Budget 2024: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Wednesday participated in the traditional "halwa" ceremony. It marks the final stage of preparation for the Interim Budget 2024, which will be unveiled on February 1 in the Lok Sabha.
As part of the ceremony, Sitharaman also visited the Budget Press and reviewed the preparations. According to news agency PTI, she also extended her best wishes to the officials concerned.
Like the previous three full Budgets, this year's Interim Budget 2024 will also be delivered in paperless form.
What is 'halwa ceremony'?
The "halwa ceremony" is a traditional and symbolic pre-budget ritual in India. It typically takes place a few days before the presentation of the Budget. The ceremony is held in the North Block of the Central Secretariat in New Delhi.
During the halwa ceremony, India's finance minister and other officials from the Ministry of Finance prepare and distribute the traditional Indian sweet dish called "halwa."
The ceremony marks the beginning of the printing process of the budget documents.
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What is the significance of the 'halwa ceremony'?
After the preparation and distribution of halwa to the entire staff involved in the budget-making process, these officials and support staff are required to stay in the North Block until the Budget is presented in Parliament. It is officially the start of the "lock-in" period of the Budget.
This is done particularly to maintain the confidentiality of budget-related information and prevent any leaks before the official presentation.
Budget 2024 date and time
Budget 2024, which will be an Interim Budget, will be presented in the Parliament on February 1 at 11 am.