The 10 Adani groups stocks added over Rs 45,200 crore in market value on Friday, reclaiming the Rs 11-trillion market cap (m-cap) mark after six months. This was the biggest single-day m-cap gain for the embattled power-to-port conglomerate in nearly a month.
Shares of all 10 group firms ended with gains, with Adani Green Energy, Adani Power and Adani Transmission each soaring over 6 per cent. The latest gains come after reports that Abu Dhabi National Energy Company, also known as TAQA, was considering investment of up to $2.5 billion in Adani Group companies.
Both TAQA and the Adani group in separate statements said they were not in talks. Group stocks pared some gains following the denial. A day earlier seven out of 10 Adani group stocks posted gains after GQG Partners hiked investment in the group.
On Wednesday, the US-based investment firm, along with other investors, picked up 8.1 per cent stake in Adani Power for over Rs 9,000 crore ($1.1 billion) — in what is dubbed as the largest-ever single buyer-seller trade in the domestic market. Earlier this month, Qatar Investment Authority had picked up a 2.7 per cent stake in Adani Green Energy. The funds raised by Adani promoters from marquee investors has helped the conglomerate restore investor confidence, which took a beating following a report by Hindenburg on January 24.
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