Kerala-based private sector lender CSB Bank has posted a 10.4 per cent rise in net profit during the 2nd quarter of financial year 2023-24 to Rs 133.17 crore, as compared to Rs 120.55 crore during the same period the previous financial year. In the first quarter of the financial year 2023-24, CSB Bank had posted a profit of Rs 132 crore.
During the quarter under review, the bank’s total income rose 39 per cent to Rs 835 crore from Rs 600 crore in the second quarter of FY23. Total income in the second quarter of FY24 rose 3 per cent from the Rs 805 crore posted in the first quarter of FY23.
Gross NPA fell 2 per cent at Rs 284 crore in the second quarter of the current financial year compared to Rs 291 crore in the second quarter of FY23. Gross NPA in the first quarter of FY24 was recorded at Rs 270 crore.
On October 20, shares of CSB Bank fell 0.86 per cent to Rs 362 apiece on the NSE.