India’s leading paint manufacturer, Asian Paints Ltd, has closed down its oldest plant at Bhandup in Mumbai. “The company has discontinued manufacturing activities at the plant with effect from May 05, 2014,” said the company in a BSE filing.
Asian Paints Ltd added that the company has offered a voluntary retirement/separation scheme along with an alternate option of relocation to other factories/establishments of the company to all the workmen at the Bhandup plant in Mumbai. All workmen have accepted either the voluntary retirement/separation scheme or relocation to another factory/establishment of the company.
Asian Paints Ltd added that the company has offered a voluntary retirement/separation scheme along with an alternate option of relocation to other factories/establishments of the company to all the workmen at the Bhandup plant in Mumbai. All workmen have accepted either the voluntary retirement/separation scheme or relocation to another factory/establishment of the company.