“To make Merck fit for the future, we are also investing in modern, expanded production capacities in order to meet the rising demand for our drugs,” said Karl-Ludwig Kley, Chairman of the Executive Board of Merck, making reference to the ‘Fit for 2018’ transformation and growth program.
He added, “This is part of our growth plans for Merck and for the Merck Serono division in particular here in Bari, where we have excellent conditions thanks to highly skilled employees and a very good infrastructure. Patients will also benefit from this investment as we secure the supply of drugs that improve the quality of life of people around the globe.”
Merck generates more than half of the sales of its Merck Serono division with biotech products. Among others, the company is the world market leader in the treatment of infertility. Around two million babies of the five million born with the help of infertility drugs worldwide were conceived with the aid of Merck Serono products.